Annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs. Stems 4-angled. Leaves opposite or sometimes in whorls of 3. Flowers bracteate, terminal, in simple spikes or
panicles of spikes. Calyx tubular, distinctly and ± unequally (4-)5-toothed, 5-ribbed. Corolla funnel- or salver-shaped; limb 5-lobed, ± spreading. Stamens (2-)4(-5), included, didynamous. Ovary entire or 4-lobed, 4-locular with 1 ovule per loculus. Fruit splitting into 4 nutlets at maturity, enveloped in the persistent calyx. Worldwide: 200 species in tropical and temperate America, incl 2-3 in temperate Europe; others weeds elsewhere Mozambique: 3 taxa. Insects associated with this genus: |
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