Perennial herbs with annual stems growing from a tuberous rootstock. Stems 1-many, branched or unbranched, erect or ascending, with short spreading hairs. Milky latex present. Leaves opposite, lanceolate to broadly ovate; lateral veins prominent, looping to form a submarginal vein. Inflorescence terminal and extra-axillary, pedunculate, nodding or erect umbels. Corolla rotate or campanulate. Corona lobes arising near the base of the staminal column spreading or ascending, often dorsiventrally flattened, sometimes appearing cucullate or pouched, generally with an apical tongue. Anthers' wings vertical or spreading; appendages curved in over the stigma head. Follicles single by abortion, more or less erect on a twisted pedicel, weakly to strongly inflated, often with longitudinal ridges or wings. Worldwide: 37 species in tropical and South Africa. Mozambique: 5 taxa. |