Shrubs or trees with milky latex.
Stipules intrapetiolar, often obscure or 0. Leaves opposite or
subopposite. Inflorescences terminal and/or apparently axillary, cymose,
many-flowered. Sepals free or connate at the very base. Corolla
salver-shaped; tube cylindric; lobes overlapping to the
right. Stamens inserted at base of corolla tube; anthers not
caudate, fertile to the base. Ovary with 2 carpels. Fruit
composed of 2 long, slender, follicles. Seeds numerous,
linear, striate, grooved, glabrous, without a beak; apex with
a dense tuft of hairs. Worldwide: 4 species in tropical Africa and Indomalesia Mozambique: 1 taxon. |