The following is a list of abbreviations used on this website.
Abbreviation | Description |
± | more or less |
0 | absent |
aff. | affinis: akin to |
agg. | aggregate species |
auct. | auctorum: of authors, but not of the original author |
BOL | Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, South Africa |
C | Central Division of Zimbabwe |
c. | circa: about |
cf. | confer: comparable with; compare |
CL | Communal Land |
cm | centimetre(s) |
conf. | confirmed by |
det. | determined by |
Distr. | District (plural: Distrs) |
E | Eastern Division of Zimbabwe |
ed. | editor |
emend. | emendatus: emended |
et al. | et alii: and others |
f. | (following an author's name): filius: son |
f. | (a taxonomic rank): forma: form |
FE | Flora of Ethiopia |
fig. | figure |
fl. | flower (plural: fls) |
Fm | Farm |
fr. | fruit (plural: frs) |
FSA | Flora of Southern Africa |
FTEA | Flora of Tropical East Africa |
FZ | Flora Zambesiaca |
GHS | Government Herbarium Salisbury (referred to in the numbering system of SRGH) |
Gt | Great |
hort. | hortulanorum: of gardeners |
in litt. | in litteris: in correspondence |
ined. | ineditus: not yet formally published |
infl. | inflorescence (plural: infls) |
Is | Islands |
K | The Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England |
lf | leaf (plural: lvs) |
lfless | leafless |
lflet | leaflet (plural: lflets) |
lfy | leafy |
m | metre(s) |
mm | millimetre(s) |
MAH | Mark Andrew Hyde |
Mt | Mount |
Mtn | Mountain |
N | Northern Division of Zimbabwe |
NBG | Compton Herbarium, National Botanical Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa. |
NE | North-east |
NP | National Park |
NR | Nature Reserve |
nr | near |
nom. illegit. | nomen illegitimum: latin for illegitimate name |
nom. nud. | nomen nudum: latin for naked name, a name published without a description of the taxon |
NW | North-west |
opp. | opposite |
p. | page |
p.p. | pro parte: in part, partly |
PA | Purchase Area |
per. seg. | perianth segment (plural: per. segs) |
pers. comm. | personal communication |
pl. | plural |
pp. | pages |
PRE | National Herbarium, Botanical Research Institute, Pretoria, South Africa |
q.v. | quod vide: which see |
R. | River |
Rd | Road |
RP | Recreational Park |
RS | Research Station |
S | Southern Division of Zimbabwe |
s.l. | sensu lato: in the broad sense |
s.n. | sine numero: (of herbarium specimen) without a collector’s number |
s.o. | seen only: (referring to a plant record) i.e. without a specimen being collected |
s.s. | sensu stricto: in the strict sense |
SE | South-east |
sp. | species (plural: spp.) |
SRGH | National Herbarium, Harare (Southern Rhodesia Government Herbarium) |
subsp. | subspecies (plural: subspp.) |
SW | South-west |
UKWF | Agnew and Agnew (1994) |
var. | varietas: variety |
vol. | volume |
W | Western Division of Zimbabwe |